Upcoming Screenings        

Look for Seven Sisters on your local public television station. Seven Sisters is being distributed to public television stations nationwide though the National Educational Television Association (NETA). Be sure to check local programming, and if you don't see it on your local public television station's schedule, ask for it!

Seven Sisters has been playing in festivals and theaters across the country and is available for booking--at theatres, schools and organizations. If you are interested in screening "Seven Sisters" and/or booking the Crooked Jades, please contact us at the e-mail link below. And stay tuned to this site for updates on upcoming screenings and events.

You can also always obtain a copy of Seven Sisters through this website by visiting the "Purchase a Copy" link.

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Soundtrack | Reviews/Awards | Key Personnel | Sponsors | Purchase a Copy |

Sour Mash Films, 55 Cumberland Street San Francisco, California 94110
(415) 826·0460, SevenSisters@sourmashfilms.com , © 2000 sour mash films